Liver: Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Liver: Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Each of us, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, at some point we will experience some health problem. It is a part and parcel of life, one which cannot be avoided. Living with any form of illness can be physically and mentally exhausting. But, overcoming it or living with it can be very much possible if one follows their doctor’s advice. These days, due to our current lifestyle, one of the most common problems people have been facing is Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. This happens when the fat content in the liver exceeds the normal limits. Most people are not even aware that they suffer from the problem until it is diagnosed. The disease has a lot to do with the way we lead our lives. Improper diet, lack of exercise, stress and other illnesses are equal contributors.

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Like we mentioned earlier, there is no other way to find out about Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease other than a diagnosis. Your diagnosis could be for a different reason than what you find out, which is quite common with fatty liver. So, what are some symptoms of non alcoholic fatty liver disease? In some cases, people do claim to have some form of symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Itchy skin
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Yellowing of the skin
  • Legs swelling
  • Confusion

There are more symptoms too, but the ones mentioned above happen at a much later stage when the fatty liver disease has progressed to cirrhosis which is a life threatening disease. You may be wondering as to what causes Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease right? People who suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol or even obesity, have a higher chance of having Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver. Which is why, taking care of oneself with pre-existing problems is vital so as to avoid further health complications.

Foods to Eat with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The right diet and exercise can help you deal with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease better than you would have imagined it. You need to make sure that you stick to the diet, have absolute zero cheat days and you’ll notice that your liver will be gaining back its health. This does not mean that once your liver is fine, you can go back to eating unhealthy foods and do away with the exercise. You should continue to practice the diet for your overall health. What you need to include in your diet are foods that fight cell damage, helps the body to use insulin, or lower inflammation and most importantly foods that can help reverse the condition. You and the doctor must sit and chart out exactly what would be the best solution as every case is different, especially for those with pre-existing conditions. Here are some of the foods to eat with non alcoholic fatty liver disease:

  • Omega -3 fatty foods can be found in fish and seafoodNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Lots of delicious fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts can be included in breakfasts
  • Olive oil must be used for cooking
  • Vegetables should be made a regular
  • Avocados is great to boost liver health
  • Legumes should become a part of everyday diet

These are all healthy options and are great for the liver. The fats that fish contain are healthy in nature and just what you would need to reverse the effects. As difficult as it may to make the sudden switch, it is necessary and the moment you begin to see how good you feel, this might just become a part of your regular diet.

What not to eat in non alcoholic fatty liver disease

You need to be mindful of what not to eat in non alcoholic fatty liver disease. If you have got fatty liver, it is only because of the choice of diet you have been on apart from the lack of exercising and any other contributing factor. This means, you need to put a stop on everything you have been eating so far and ensure that you only stick to the foods that are recommended. Here are some definite no’s:

  • Poultry
  • Full-fat cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Red meat
  • Baked goods and fried foods
  • Sugary items like candy, soda, and other foods with added sugars that have high-fructose content

Make sure that you avoid these treats as they may seem while you are on the diet to a healthier life because it will only help your liver and overall well-being. What not to eat in non alcoholic fatty liver disease can be really painful initially, but it will be completely worth it once you regain your health.


Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Women

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Women

The condition is quite common among men, but when it comes to women, the ratio is smaller. Men are more prone to fatty liver and women are not as this may have something to do with the estrogen levels in women as per studies. For Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in women post menopause, the risk is higher. Post menopause, women are susceptible to many health problems and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is no exception. But, with proper care and prescribed medication, the disease can be kept under control.


Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Life Expectancy

The disease is not life threatening until it progresses to cirrhosis, which can be pretty bad. Cirrhosis is caused due to liver scarring and is irreparable. It is therefore advised that one must take care of themselves before the condition progresses and makes life difficult. The non alcoholic fatty liver disease life expectancy is otherwise normal. People continue living with the disease for years and in some cases, with proper care, lifestyle changes and medication, the effects are reversed and they no more have to live with the scare of fatty liver. Many people do overcome the disease, all it takes is will and determination, something we all possess.