Neglecting liver problems early on can be taxing – Cirrhosis


Cirrhosis of the liver: How dangerous is it?

There is a reason why they say to treat fatty liver in its early stages. Once a person encounter Cirrhosis, the condition of the liver only worsens.

What Is Cirrhosis of the Liver?

Cirrhosis is a condition that is basically a late stage liver scarring. It is caused by many forms of liver diseases and conditions like hepatitis and chronic alcoholism.

The liver is known to regenerate itself every time it encounters damage. But sometimes, due to pre-existing diseases or excessive alcohol consumption the scars on the liver keep increasing. In the process, scar tissue forms which are very dangerous. And as this disease progresses, it makes the job of the liver even more difficult which ultimately becomes life-threatening.

Often, when cirrhosis has advanced, treatment becomes impossible. But, if it is diagnosed early on, further scarring can be prevented.

Cirrhosis of the Liver

Can Cirrhosis of the Liver be cured?

The answer is No. Cirrhosis means the damage has been done. This damage is irreversible. Not many people reach the stage of cirrhosis as precaution is taken early on. But some, due to sheer negligence end up facing the consequences of this dreadful disease. As we know, there is no substitute for the liver. Causing any damage to it will lead to complications. Unhealthy lifestyle habits and alcohol consumption in excess are major contributors for causing cirrhosis. Which is why, it is always advised to treat fatty liver or liver problems early on so as to avoid future complications.

Are there any symptoms of Cirrhosis of the Liver?

In reality, there are no signs and symptoms when it comes to cirrhosis of the liver but people do claim to face certain problems. Nevertheless, when the disease progresses, one may experience the following conditions:

  • Fatigue
  • Easy bleeding or bruising on the body
  • Loss of urge to eat
  • Feeling of nausea
  • Swelling in the legs, feet or ankles also known as edema
  • Weight loss
  • Itching skin
  • Yellowish discoloration in the skin and eyes
  • Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
  • Spiderlike blood vessels are seen on the skin
  • Redness in the palms of the hands
  • Women experience, absent or loss of periods which is not related to menopause
  • Men experience, loss of sex drive, breast enlargement or testicular atrophy
  • Confusion, drowsiness and slurred speech

Like we mentioned, these signs and symptoms may not be experienced by every person suffering from cirrhosis. Which is why, it is important that you get a regular medical check-up. Also, care must be taken of one’s lifestyle habits and also control over alcohol is just as important. If you are a regular heavy drinker, eat unhealthy food, smoke often and exercise less, your liver could be in danger. It’s best to control your habits before your health begins to deteriorate.

Cirrhosis causes and symptoms

Cirrhosis causes and symptomsThere is sometimes no telling if a person is suffering from cirrhosis. Sometimes, signs may show up like nausea, weight loss, jaundice, etc. Other than consulting with the doctor and performing some medical tests, there is no way of knowing. So what exactly causes cirrhosis? Let’s find out!

  • Too much of alcohol consumption
  • Chronic condition of viral hepatitis B, C and D
  • Fat accumulating in the liver (NAFLD)
  • Iron build-up in the body
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Wilson’s disease, which is accumulation of copper in the liver
  • Biliary atresia
  • The problem of Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Inherited disorders caused by sugar metabolism
  • Genetic digestive disorder
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Syphilis
  • Brucellosis
  • Certain medications

Out of all these problems, alcohol consumption in excess, being overweight and hepatitis are what majorly what causes cirrhosis. Taking good care of your health is ultimately what you need.

Treatment of Cirrhosis

Your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes and will also provide a prescription which includes beta blockers, anti-viral, antibiotics among other medications. Doing as advised can help you lead a better life. Though, with cirrhosis, the discomfort levels are heightened. Ensuring proper care is only what will get you through the difficult time.

Cirrhosis of the Liver Life Expectancy

The older you get, the chances of survival become lesser. For people over the age of 40, need better care. In all other situations, 9-12 years is what one can expect once cirrhosis develops.

Are there any stages of Cirrhosis of the Liver? What are they?

When we talk about stages in cirrhosis, one should know that they are already very late. The disease has progressed and caused enough damage. Yet, there are 4 stages that one may encounter or be at:

Stage 1: Scarring is present but no complications.

Stage 2: Worsens portal hypertension and varices develops

Stage 3: Advanced liver scarring and swelling of the abdomen. Liver failure is also possible.

Stage 4: Without transplant one can lose their life as they develop end-stage liver disease.

Cirrhosis Prevention Diet

Cirrhosis Prevention DietYou may be wondering if there is a specific diet when it comes to dealing with cirrhosis. Well, yes there is. Making slight lifestyle amends can go a long way. It won’t cure the disease, but will definitely make life better for you. Here is what you should consider eating.

Eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure to include lean proteins from fish and meat. This can help keep the liver functioning as these foods are liver-friendly in nature. Avoid raw shellfish and oysters as they contain bacteria that could cause infection. Make sure to keep the salt levels low too as it increases fluid build-up in the body.

Don’t let the problem worsen. Every time you feel sick consult with your doctor. Living with cirrhosis is never easy. It takes a toll on a person’s mind too. Your condition cannot get better, but your life can definitely be prolonged if you follow your doctor’s advice and work on keeping your liver’s health in check. Remember finding a liver donor is not easy and even after a transplant, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely crucial. Therefore, when faced with the smallest liver condition, know it’s your cue to start making some healthy choices. After all we have just one liver and need to do our best in keeping it healthy.